Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy fake St. Patrick's Day!!!

That the original color used for St. Patrick was blue? Green was considered unlucky by ancient the Irish/Celtics.

That the shamrock, the three leaf version, was used by St. Patrick for the example to explain the Holy Trinity? Due to the use of the shamrock, green eventually replaced blue as the color of the saint.

That the snake legend is false? There are not, nor have there ever been, any snakes native to Ireland. The snake is in reference to the Pagan religions exterminated by the preachings of St. Patrick. Yes, I said exterminated and meant it.

That St. Patrick wasn't Irish? Yep, he was a Brit. Seems they started thier colonial efforts earlier than previously thought.

That the way St. Patrick's Day is celebrated is only about 40 years old? The first parade wasn't until the late 1960's in Boston. Up until the early to mid 1970s, St. Patrick's Day was a time for mass and feasting. Schools, stores and businesses where closed for the day. After the celebrations in the US really took off, the celebrations jumped The Pond to Ireland where it caught on fairly quickly.

That up until the advent of Christianity into Ireland, that the Celtic Nations where considered to be the center of learning and knowledge in the Ancient World? There are stories of how Romans sent thier children to the Celtic schools and that Jesus supposedly went as well. The universities of the Nations where rumored to be equal to that of the Egyptian libraries, even the Library of Alexandria!

However, with the spread of Christianity, these universities where burned for thier content of Pagan knowledge and 'devil writtings'. It is because of these actions that I will hold Islam to a higher level than the Christ Religion. At least the ancient Muslims could assimilate and absorb the knowledge of the people they came into contact with. Christianity only serves to dumb down the people to make them controlable and subserviant.

The times I sit and actually get a little depressed over the knowledge we have lost. Not just us Pagans, but Humanity. What we could now know if these universities and libraries survived!

Thanks Christians! You've really served our history well. Fucking cunts.

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