Monday, June 30, 2014

Fuck you SCOTUS!

So The United States of America is no longer. We, The Lazy People have allowed it to rot into The Amerikan Corporatocracy Oligarchy Theological Fascist State, a.k.a The Amerikan Dominion. So, welcome to your new country, where women are brood mares for the state and anyone who isn't White, male, Heterosexual, Republican or Christian (state sponsored denomination to be announced soon, Jesus not included) is worthless and second class. While The Military Industrial Complex works towards World War 3.

We, The Lazy People of Amerika, have allowed ourselves to be dumbed down and distracted by "CeleBRATy Kulture", (un)Reality TV, fear and technology. Political Correctness has made controlling the masses easier and has given way to passive-aggressive bullying for those who don't comply into submission. Knee jerk reactions are respected while in-depth discussions are shunned. Education is a joke while Sports (provided it's Amerikan) are held to near religious zealotry standards.

The country I was taught to love, protect and defend is gone, I wonder if We The People can ever get it back. Or maybe it deserved to die since We The People no longer cared enough to care for it. I miss The United States and do not care for this Amerikcan Dominion that is slowly taking over. People may talk about how Russia is seemingly slowly following in the footsteps of post-World War 1 Germany, but I see Amerika following in the footsteps of The Roman Empire. If not a Second Revolution, then a Second Civil War is coming. The Amerikan Dominion can not surive nor be allowed to. If The United States is dead and gone, then it is us, We The People, who must either re-establish it or create a new country based on the ideals that our Founding Fathers fought for.

Either we all get involved and stop being sheep or we die. There's no grey area anymore.