People who are priviledged piss me off. Besides classism and racism, this whole HealthCare "debate" is about those who've got money and aren't willing to help others, cuz they don't realize they will actually help themselves. I'd have more respect for those who don't go for the facelift or boobjob and actually pay for a friends' needed surgery when they don't have Health Care. Then you have all these supposed Christians who really aren't.
Jesus was the original Socialist. He said to give up your money so the poor can be helped. When you don't, how are you Christ-like? Fucking cunts. Hypocrites, all of them!
I'm for reform, we need it. And if you don't think so, then explain how my Godmother works 50+ hours a week, owns her own business and yet can't afford insurance before the reform went through? She works her ass off and couldn't get covered since it was too expensive! That flys in the face of your arguments. "What about those lazy people who sit around all day?" you ask. Well, IF they are on welfare, then they are covered by Medicaid, so you're paying for them already. And I ask you about those who've lost thier job and thier insurance and can't get a job due to the economy and work environment. Is it their fault? All you cunts who are against reform for you're selfish reason are worthy of being shot for your stupidity.
FUCK YOU! Thank the Gods for reform!!!
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