This is going to piss people off. I can't wait!
Organized religion is the worst mistake humanity ever made! It is a farce and a tool to supress thought and free will.
Did you know that Jesus supported gays? Well, if Christians can use the Bible with a literal translation in this modern 21st Century world, then so can I. However, the verse I'm going to be quoting has to be read as it was used in the days it describes.
Matthew 19:12
King James Version
For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
So here the word 'eunuch' is used to decribe men who do not know a woman. By knowing, it is means sexually. Back in the days of Jesus, 'knowing' seemed a polite way of saying fuck. So the passage describes men who have chosen celibacy for the priesthood, which was viewed as being pure of Original Sin, or as close as a person could be. It also describes men "born of thier mother's womb". Can we say "homosexual" class? Find me another man who doesn't 'know' a woman by being born of thier mother's womb, please. The last part talks about eunuchs made so of men. These where men castrated for various reasons. Be it slave, criminal or even part of a harem (yes, these exsisted back then).
This passage is of Jesus speaking to leaders of the day, who where trying to trick him. Yet, it speaks in a way that should get to people. It says that he accepts and even approves of eunuchs of all various types. Today we have diffrent words for this one (Celibate; Homosexual; Castrated) and yet the one you worship approves of the ones you don't.
I love how people say that I'm reading more into this than I should. Yet these same fucks use thier own literal translation against me and others. But when we do it, we're reading more into it that we should. Fuck that and them! You can't have it both ways!
Yet, for those who enjoy literal translations, the modern re-write of the Bible is funny as shit. The King James Version is in older English, yet you can't tell me that eunuch means celibate. No fucking way. Here's why I'm saying that:
International Standard Version
because some men are celibate from birth, while some are celibate because they have been made that way by others. Still others are celibate because they have made themselves that way for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.
I love this whole version thing that Christianity has going on. Why change it? What was so bad about it that you had to basically re-write your Holy Book? The same thing can be seen in Exodus when the Ten Commandments are listed.
King James and New American Standard Versions
Exodus 20:3 "Thou shall have no other gods before Me"
God's Word translation
Never have any other god
What's funny about this is that it is tell you two diffrent things. One says you can have other gods, so long as they do not go above God, since he proclaims to be the highest there is. The other simply says you can't do that, there is only one god and you must only have him.
See the fucked up shit?
And what's so funny about this is that the Hebrews Moses liberated from Egypt where PAGAN (polytheistic)! Moses was influenced from his life in Egypt and the Cult of Ra coming to power and turning Ancient Egypt into a monotheistic nation by removing all the other gods. It didn't last though, the cult was eventually removed and the old beliefs where reinstalled.
Moses took this and reworked the Jewish faith. Yehweh had a wife before Moses stepped in. Her symbol was the Golden Calf, which Moses destroyed when he threw down the original Commandment Stones. The reason the Israelites where dancing around it was to bring fertitlity and prosperity and good fortune to thier journey to the Promised Land. Yehweh's wife was known as Ashirah, the Holy Mother. Moses' sister, Miriam, was a Priestess of Ashirah.
What I continue to find hilarious is how little Abrahamics know of thier history. Maybe this is due to the fact that it has been hidden from them, or just outright destroyed. Or so the Powers That Be thought. There is a book I read, The Hebrew Goddess and I suggest everyone read it.
Anyway, know your history. Know where you came from. Hell, know the Creation Story in the complete form! The First Book, Genesis, is missing the first half of the story for fuck sake! ever wonder why Genesis 1:26 says that God made mankind in our own image? Our likeness? And to let them have dominion?
Frankly, I think the god of the Torah/Old Testament is an evil bastard, but he always seemed to refer to himself as a single entity! Me, My, Mine, I. Not our or our own. And the way that 'them' is used makes it appear that man and woman where made at the same time! This is where Lilith came from!
She and Adam where made together, but she didn't want to submit to him. So she left and never knew "original sin". So Adam gets lonely and God takes out a rib and makes Eve, who will submit since she came from Adam. Which is bullshit, since all life flows from females. Duh!
See cunts? This is the simple questioning of your faith that drive people bonkers. "Your not supposed to question God", they say. Why? For what reason? Didn't he give us free will? Wouldn't he know what that would lead to? And that's another thing, free will. If you have it and use it, your punished. If you have it and don't use it, your saved. Really seems to be a trap from the start. And if we are all part of God's Plan, wouldn't that mean that he's already figured out how it's all gonna end? For every last person on Earth? From start to finish?
Kind throws free will out the window.
This is how I see Abrahamic Spirituality. Its a bunch of human lies twisted up to trap you in a power struggle. You give over your minds and freedom for a feel good faith that gives you nothing but takes everything! I just don't see how people stay in this trap.
Thank the Gods I got out.
I'm done now.
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