Friday, March 26, 2010

What if?

By; Anton Leonov

July 2, 2066

It has been fifty years since Barak Obama left the White House. On the anniversary of the Founding of our nation, we have chosen to take a look back at the Golden Age we find ourselves in, thanks in no small part to the solid foundations set up by President Obama.

Following his Swearing-In Ceremony, Obama set to rebuilding the American econemy and Insurance infrastructure. The passing of radical restructuring laws was in no small part due to the nearly eighty percent Democratic House and sixty-three percent Democratic Senate. This same Congress is also responsable for eliminating laws that where set up for special interest groups and many other laws which allowed the American government to become uncontrolable spending machine.

Within his first sixty days, President Obama had the American Health Insurance Crisis on the road to recovery. While the American Universal HealthCare Agency was still six years away, the restructuring enabled the uninsured Americans of the time to get top quality medical care through government sponsored insurance that the companies had to absorb within a 14 month period.

His Economic Stimulus Program began shortly afterward. This program jump started the failed econemy, which had crashed in late October and early November of 2008. The measures instituted forced the old Oil Companies to pay heavy taxes that stimulated the econemy while at the same time, forcing all American companies to move back into the country and hire the unemployed populace. The new American oriented workforce also became more involved in the day to day function of thier country, reforming how politicians of the time went about thier jobs and stances.

By November of 2010, the New American Deal had shifted the American landscape dramatically. With Illegal Immigration eliminated and the American Military pulled out of Iraq and Afgahnistan, Americans began solidifying thier stance as an economically and energy independant country. Thankfully, by this time, The United States began repaying owed loans to China and other countries, while at the same time, receiveing payments on loans that the American goverment had let go unpaid since the end of the Second World War.

This continued through President Obama winning his second election in a landside defeat of the Romney/Huckabee ticket.

Then in March of 2013, Obama's Reforms began to show fruits of labor. It was at this time that reports started to show the the debt that long plauged the country and its population began to disappear. Homelessness started to vanish as a large workforce was needed as the Baby Boomer's started to retire. Thankfully, it was the Economic Stimulus Program that saved the Social Security Program, which allowed the Boomer's to retire.

It was also at this time that automobiles fueled by non-fossil fuels were standard, replacing auto's rated at over 60 mpg's. This shift started the Oil Reform Program, which helped the old Oil Companies redirect thier focus from oil and damagin fossil fuels to that of Natural Gas; wind, tidal and solar power. By 2014, the US was a world leader in "alternate" energy sources.

At the end of his Second Term, President Obama had built a foundation for the New American Golden Age. He had instituted an American Universal HealthCare that became the model for the world. He refocused the American Econemy from oil and consumers to one based on the American product.

While there were many changes under Obama's Guard, the econmey and HealthCare are the ones that insured that the changes he implemented stayed. These changes also allowed a smaller government and a much more informed citizen.

These changes helped President Hillary Clinton promote an America that was tolerant and full of opportunity. These changes helped an blind America see the diffrence of government under a two party system, versus the multi-party system we enjoy today.

It is because of Obama's policies and changes that we can enjoy a Free Energy Econemy, thanks to the develpoment of Cold Fusion in 2025 under the leadership of President David Paterson. We also enjoy a free National Public Transportation System and a free education system thanks to the platforms the Obama set up. It is true, we pay minimum taxes that fund these programs, but it is the system that was fixed by The Greatest President since Kennedy.

While America has adopted some Socialist policies to ensure a stable future, no one can argue that these policies are a threat to this country, as the Old Republicans kept insisting. Our success in the face of defeat allowed our growth as an economic powerhouse and as a nation. This was most easily seen in our twenty-first century history of expansion after the admission of Puerto Rico and Guam as American States.

This American citizen is thankful to live in an America that was redirected by Obama and in a world that is safer, cleaner and more stable. Have a safe Fourth Holiday everyone!

AP Release-July 2nd, 2066

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