Monday, February 8, 2010

What what what?!?!?!

In seven states, American states, it is illegal to hold public office if you are an Atheist?!?! There's a guy in Asheville, North Carolina who's under attack to be removed for that very reason! Fucking "conservative" Christians are up in arms and on the attack to remove him simply because he doesn't believe in 'Almighty God'. Fucking Christ on a stick!

There are six other states with this law (North Carolina has it in the state consitution); Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Maryland(!), South Carolina and Tennessee. In the 21st Century? Are you kidding me?!?! I thought nothing like this could still be on the books AND that it would shock me so much. Wrong on both counts. Thankfully these laws are not held up by the United States Consititution, which overrules all state constitutions.

The best part of this is that these religious cunts don't realize that they are setting themselves, or others, up for failure. If they succeed, which I doubt, then they set a foundation for ANYONE to be removed if they believe, or not, diffrently from thier peers.

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