We've lost Prop 8 and Question 1 yet there's not a fucking outcry or protests or even fucking riots! OK, sure, you got vids on YouTube and people speaking out, but where is the fucking united community? In all likelyhood the majority are fucking, taking drugs or doing nothing.
What kills me most about the doing nothing thing is that most people have the mindset that someone else will do the dirty work. And this is true, those doing the dirty work are taking away rights! The fucking LGBT Community sits back and looses what we barely have and then complains about it when it happens.
This whole state-by-state tactic isn't working! We need a national effort on the federal level. We need leaders who have a fucking backbone and who aren't afraid to rattle chains and rock the boat. The "leaders" we have are submissive little fucks who are successful at keeping the community from getting our Human Civil Rights because they don't want to scare the heterosexuals. Fuck that!
If the Black Civil Rights Movement took it state-by-state like we are doing, then Jim Crow would still be law, as would seperate entrances and water fountains. Inter-racial Marriage would still be illegal, since if ws left up to the states, I bet that it would fail and be illegal like Gay Marriage is and has.
We have been told for years that we are unworthy and less than and against nature and we have come to believe it. It shows in our lack of unification and our distrust of one another. And our fragmentation. We are so divided and it is killing us.
I wish we would just wake the fuck up and get our shit together and demand our rights by taking over D.C. in one big protest/march. Frankly the more we sit and take it the more we deserve what we get taken away.
And I don't give a fuck what anyone says, if Inter-racial Marriage was put to a vote right now, I bet that it would be illegal in over 60% of this country. The rights of a minority should never be put to a vote. When this is done it completely erases our democracy and sets up the foundations for a facist/theocratic nation.
And the next person to complain about 'activist judges', I am going to take a hammer to the back of thier neck. There are these types of judges on both sides, but the "liberal" ones are the ones always talked about. We just need a sweeping federal expansion of the 1967 Civil Rights Act.
I hate the stupididty of my country and community and fellow citizens.
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