Sunday, February 7, 2010
Sheeple, cubicle rats and sub-(non)human roaches
I'm surrounded by sheeple, cubicle rats and sub-(non)human roaches. They run around me trying to build safe houses out of money and power. They never seem to have enough of both. All I do is laugh at them in the futility of thier non-action actions.Sometimes it seems that the only way out is suicide, but that will only grant power and dominion to those little shitfuckcunts. I won't let my death be a control mechanism. I will die my own way and you will marvel at my death. Only then will you get 'it'.Other times is seems the only way out is shooting people in the face. But I don't like guns, they're too impersonal. Knives are better. You have to work for the damage and death. I respect stabbers. Shooters are lazy fuckers. But what can you expect from a non-culture of instant gratification? An anti-society of celeBRATy worship?No one is real to me anymore. Everyone just seems to be a facade of what they think others want to see. Like those idiots who want that expensive car or house because they believe it will somehow raise thier status and change how people view them. All those materialistic pieces of shit items do is make you a target and a joke. The only status that changes is how much more money that you don't have that you now have to spend. Have fun with that fuckers.Materialism is the new slavery and the sheeple are flocking to it like lemmings. Then you become the cubicle rat in the eternal maze trying to make more money to buy and get more things. Then you become the sub-(non)human roach by the bitterness you let grow after you realize you've been tricked and you can't get out of the enslavement you willingly walked into.I've rejected materialism. I'm a slave to no one but myself. And it seems no one can handle it. These little under-evolved shitfuckcunts try to shackle me with control mechanisms like 'you need to grow up' or 'you need to get some maturity'. They say this only because they can't handle my freedom and happiness of NOT being a slave like they are.My 'maturity' and 'being grown up' is nothing more than taking responsibility for myself, my actions the the consequences of both. I'm tired of people telling me what I "need" when all it is is what they want me to have so I'll be as trapped in the maze as they are. Fuck that and fuck them. And fuck you.I yearn for death. Death is freedom in the purest form. And when I'm gone, I'm the one who'll have power and dominion over the shitfuckcunts. But before then, I'm going to fuck you up with me, myself and I. I won't apologize if you can't handle that or even understand it.But then it's fun to watch the sheeple, cubicle rats and sub-(non)human roaches. They are entertaining in the "race to procure". Go to a mall and sit and watch. All those non-people have such a hallow look to them until they pay for something, then they light up until they leave the current store they're in. Then the hallowness returns...until the next purchase. I'm so glad I'm free of that slavery. That trap of the corperations.But then again, like I said over 680 blog posts ago, I'm more human than you and you'll never catch up to me. If you ever get to my level, I'll still be light-years ahead of you. You'll always be a sub-(non)human to me. A flock of sheeple to the slaughter. A cubicle rat in a never ending maze to an imaginary piece of cheese. A sub-(non)human roach that I step on.I step on you daily but you never notice. You're too numb from your own willingness to be enslaved. But what do you expect when you're surrounded by sheeple, cubicle rats and sub-(non)human roaches?All I expect from the non-people I'm surrounded by is nothing. That's all they've ever offered so why should I hype myself up for something diffrent? I unfortunatly still do from time to time, but at least I know that my expectations will never be met, so I'm not disappointed. And I don't feel much for non-people anymore. Besides the facade they construct, they refuse to let thier culturism, colorism, sexism and superiority complexes wither and die. But those are just more symptoms of thier enslavement to materialism. So why should I waste my time, energy and self on these things walking around like they are real people? I'd rather fuck an electrical socket. At the least it would be stimulating.I only relate to serial killers anymore. The ones that stab, they know how to work for what they want. I wanna be a stabby serial killer, but no one deserves to die by my hands. No one is worth the effort. And no one is worth my time.You're not worth my time. You're a moronic fuck. You don't get 'it' anyway. So why should I even bother with this blog? You're probably going back to your materialistic celeBRATy worship. Just another joke walking towards thier slaughter. You're controlled and enslaved in ways you can't even imagine. I won't bother explaining it to you. You'll never understand. You don't want to.At least I can say truthfully that I'll die free.
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