OK. I'm pissed!
How is it that in this fucked up society we can do the following:
Market pole dancing dolls to girls, thus reinforcing them to believe they are nothing more than objects for sex and not actual people? Or that we can make a mockery of marriage on television by getting dumb underfed psuedo-blonde bimbo cunt bitches to marry a dwarf or millionaire yet deny that same institution to a segment of the population because all the sudden the institution is no longer a mockery or joke, but sacred?
But when a woman takes charge of her sexuality, she's a slut. Yet men, who act the exact same way, are rewarded with applause and smacks on the back. A Same-Sex couple gets married after being devoted to one another for 50 or more years and the "Righteous" go out and illegalize the Civil Contract between the couple and the government (local, state and/or federal). But a hetero can get married for 55 hours to one person, have it annulled then get married again to another person for a couple years and get a divorce, but that's alright since that Civil Contract was, somehow, 'sacred'.
And I have to give it to the Repuklicunts and Neo-Conservatives and anyone who's against Health Care Reform or Obama in general, they know how to spin lies that the AmeriKKKan people will buy. And it shouldn't surprise me, but it does when I look and see/realize how fucking dumb and stupid Amerika and Americans are. It's no wonder why the world laughs at us.
Hell, I saw a headline on DrudgeReport.com about how the British terminally ill are "prematurely dying" due to the Socialistic Government Sponsored Health Care. Um...if your terminally ill, how is dying a "premature" deal? Your going to die anyway, so I don't see the point in the headline. But I see this as a fucking scare tacitic to go hand in hand with the whole "Death Panel" arguement.
Frankly, if you're terminally ill and there is no reasonable hope that your disease will be cured in the estimated time you have left, then fucking kill yourself or call Jack Kevorkian (a personal hero of mine). You're gonna die anyway, why not just get it over with? I would. But then again, I'm not a selfish cunt who's desperate to live out life because life lived me.
But the whole foundation to all this is the deep resentment of Obama is from nothing more complicated than White Privliege. Well, that and colorism (a.k.a. racism) and culturalism. White people are so afraid of Obama since all they see is a big scary black man with an Islamic or Afrikan name, depending on who you're getting the argument from. White people have been on top of the world for so long that they don't know how to deal with a world where they are no longer 'needed' to run things. Same goes for Christians. It's fucking stupid as can be, yet it's the reality of things because those in power can never let go of it once they've become addicted to it.
I don't agree with Obama all the time, nor support him in all things, but he is by far the better choice we had in the election. He is pushing this Reform too hard and too fast, but I get it that it's his passion. He's been directly affected and effected by the numerous shortcomings of our Health Care System. I only say he's spending too much on this is that it is costing him needed political support from the American people. But again, just my opinion.
We need reformed health care in America and need it NOW!!! But as long as too many cunts have thier hands in the pot, removing money and strangiling the ones who need it the most, we will never get anywhere. But just like the Infrastructure Problem, Health Care Reform will not be a National Movement or on our National Agenda until far too many people are dying from the current system, which they are, but that's never reported.
Hell, I saw a commercial banned by ABC and NBC because of how much it slams the Canadian and UK systems. It proclaimed how people can't choose thier doctors because of the system in place or that people are dying waiting for treatment. Maybe it's just me, but that sounds like the system we already have and the same one that's in need of reform. Funny how an inconvenient truth can become a lie and weapon against something.
Fucking shitfuckcunts.
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