Death is the sweet embrace I hold out for.
Maybe one day it will come and remove me for the grey world of waste we call life. If I'm lucky. If I'm patient.
Life, what a joke. How can you even live when you can't even thrive? You do need both, ya know? So why do we get tricked into just going with the motions when we know we are getting tricked?
It makes no sense, no usable need to help justify our exsistance.
Maybe the sweet embrace of the grave is what drives us. Knowing that the Life of Death is what we are really after. So is this life actually death and what we think of as death is really life?
If so, I'll take death, or life, depending on your view of things.
It doesn't make me a dark person, evil or nasty. It makes me more Human than you, more able to accept The Circle. Maybe when you can get to where I am, I'll accept you as Human.
But I doubt it.
I'll just still be ahead of you, more Human than you, more Divine than you. I'll always be better than you. Deal with it.
Smugness has nothing to do with you, or me. Its just how it is. Attitude is below my notice, so is regret and rejection. Evolution is real, I'm living proof. Now get off your bum and do the same! Start being better than what you are instead of what the Magazines, Shows and idiot Celebraties tell you to be.
But listening to Hollywood is easier, makes thinking obsolete. That's why you have no money, spent it on stuff you don't need. That's why I'm better than you. More Human than you.
Deal with it!
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