Gunshots are Modern Poetry. All I want to do is scream and break things and kill everyone I don't know. I can't talk to you, you don't understand what an evolved mind goes through.
I know your surprised. Why does this surprise you? You have this dying filthy world surrounding you and yet you still insist that your diffrent and better from the remaining people you look down at. Act shocked and awed at my words. but down deep your wishing for more death, murders and disasters. Hell, if Death Row executions where on Pay-Per-View, you'd eat it up. The All-Too-Powerful Government would tax it more than cigarettes and pay off our ten trillion dollar debt in months, not years.
Why do I do this and write this? Why do I burn? I will never stop and I will continue like a volcano. I am pulling fire from the sky and am a living explosion they will never end. But at the end of the lines of questions, I'll be leaving you with your ashes on my face and empty hands of your sins.
I know some of you are real because your scars make you look real. You and you glycerin tears of pain and fear.
Has life startred yet? Is this it? I cut myself with words, yours and mine. Nothing will stop me from destroying myself. All I need is life bad its not real anymore.
So, I wish you'd jump off a 40 floor building. Your weaknesses are disgusting and I attack and destroy those I don't respect. That's why I attack you. I'll focus all my Blow-Your-Brains-Out thoughts to you every minute of every fucking day. And if all goes well, you'll pick up the thoughts and do it. C'mon, make the world a better place. You can do it!
Nothing any of you Cattle do gets to me anymore. It makes me a horrible shitbag. That's why I'm free and your not. I am the one and only who spits in your face and the face of all of the Human Race. If I could get away with it, I'd skin you cows alive. I hate you all. I am the enemy of all you cows! Shitheads never get what they deserve, they just get what I deserve and shove it in my face, laughing.
God angel devil lovers!
I feel nothing anymore. I've lived too long in this this country. I work and just hate it like I hate Big Stinky at work. I hate it and him, but I keep going in and eating the crap I'm fed. I could rob a bank, but then I'd be doing what they do to me every day. I hate my job and my life. What the hell else is new? I didn't ask to be made!
I'm a dissapointment on all levels.
Its difficult to get by without my deep and endless depressions. I do a lot of thinking on the beginning of my crap thoughts and dark mind. Its the endless rage and anger that goes deeper than my marrow in my bones. They are so deep that I'm dried on the inside. But all I cn do is work 'til I die just to make rent and get food to make it long enough to do it again in a month or two weeks, whichever comes first. So then I do my best to make me feel real and good and that I deserve life. It's a minute to minute by minute struggle to just get me to smile and pass by as one of the empty Cattle that surrounds me. I can't help how I feel.
I'd rather have a 'normal American life', not the strange one I have. I connect with the Serial Killers more than anyone else in this world. So that's it in a nutshell. You cows wanted to know what is going on with me. that's why you message me and ask all the time. STOP ASKING!!! If you don't get it, then don't ask! I can put this up everyday, but you still won't get it.
Thoughtless automated whores! That's why I treat you filthy unevolved Human scum like what you are, garbage. Your a million years under-evolved!
That will always be the diffrence between you Cattle and me, the Evolved One. I plan on killing you, ending everything you know and love in ruin, to dust. I will kill you since it doesn't matter anyway, it'll help pass the time. Another reason why I like going out at night, less cow-scum to fuck with me. Less I have to slice and cut and kill and go to jail for. It's my personal plauge and uncurable disease, to kill or be killed. Or to kill myself.
I am the End Of Time. I don't care that you call me a misanthropic, misogynist, hate addict Anti-Christ. I'm glad you think I'm politically incorrect, that's what makes me better. I want to see a Black man and a Korean man with thier arms around one another and smiling while they watch a White man swing as he hangs from a tree. Poetic Justice. That's all I want.
One day, you'll end up where I end up, just much, much later than when I arrived. Don't attempt to make sense of all I write, think or feel. That's your ultimate mistake, the one you can never recover from. Cuz the more you try, the more I will fuck you up. I will get inside you and eat you alive, just for the fun of it.
I can't talk to you Cattle, even though your like me. You've always wondered what it's like to kill someone, every day, every minute. But unlike you, I feel fine. I don't care about Sub-Human or Human life and lives. You are all strangers to me. Damn dirty, stinking, filthy and broken insects, that is all you are and all you'll ever be.
Your weak and disgusting and you'll never be in my way.
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