OK. So there's this anonymous person who's authoring the most informative comments on recent blog posts of mine. At first, I thought that they had nothing to do with my blog. Not so much anymore. I think that whoever is posting these comments are trying to get points across to me about how they see me. It's cool.
Angst? I can give you that one. If you worked in the dehumanizing environment I did, you'd be full of angst too. And I know most jobs come across as that or that's how we see them, I do. However, trust me when I say that where I work takes the cake and gold star in dehumanizing their employees.
Autistic? Part of me wants to throw out a fuck you, but I won't. I feel that this one was thrown around in the same manner as people throw around "retard" or "retarded". However, that doesn't mean that it intentionally was. So I'll give you a free pass.
I will say that there's the possibility I could be autistic. Autism is a spectrum of "disorders", so ADD and ADHD could easily fall under it. I bring that up because my Hubby has ADD, so does that make him autistic? May explain some thing if it was true. Or that person we all know who sits in front of the computer with all their free time doing nothing with their life but playing an MMORPG? World of Warcraft and Everquest come to mind. I know a few folks like this, but most of them don't come across as autistic, just Gamers. There are exceptions. I'm sure some shrink would label that lifestyle as a symptom of Asperger's. I'm willing to bet a vast majority of people could fall under the spectrum of autism, considering that our 'society' is so focused and obsessed with labels and 'disorders'.
However, until I am officially checked out by a 'professional', I'll just take these comments under advisement and as a form of entertaining education on things I didn't know about. So keep 'em coming Anonymous, this is fun! However, I sure do wish that you'd leave your name so I can thank you properly. It's only fair, polite and respectful. Though, if you don't, I'm cool with that too. Haven't had a stalker in a while. I do enjoy the attention. Smooches!
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