I am fucking sick and tired of this whole 'Mosque at Ground Zero' bullshit. Build the fucking thing and be done with it! It's called Religious Freedom!!! For fuck sake people, it's a place of worship! What about all the churches around the fucking planet that have been built at sacred native sites or at places where Christians landed to start the work of converting people over? Or to commemorate the genocide of an entire people, culture and/or religion because what those things didn't represent was Christianity?
Jesus weeps for you fuckers!
Ya know, after World War 2, I don't recall the history books talking about how Germans couldn't leave Germany or that there was this massive revolt to all things German. Let's face it, they allowed the killing of 6-12 (some say 21) million people! If any group deserves to be demonized, it's Germans. Does that make me racist? Or just a culturalist asshole like the rest of you?!?!
Yes, thousands died on September 11th of 2001. Not all of them where American and Christian. Many countries lost someone. As did many faiths. This may, MAY, have been an attack by Muslim Extremists. I still think it was planned and executed by Americans to push us to war.
Read this to see what I mean, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag
Either way, September 11th succeeded in one thing, it created an environment to sow the seeds of hate and fear of all things Islam. Fuck that and you if you've fallen for that trick.
The United States of America jailed thousands of Japanese-Americans in WW2. We've raped and pillaged this land from the Native Americans and continue to do so. We held onto slavery for greed and profit and still hate and demonize those who are the descendants of those slaves. We've not apologized. We've not even bothered to fix the wrongs we created. Yet we are so fucking righteous about hating and fighting Islam because of the supposed actions of a few idiots.
What about The Unabomber? Or Timothy McVeigh? Why are these terrorists seemingly alright but browned skin toned ones aren't? Well, they must be alright, they are just misguided Americans, how could I be so stupid. They ain't forigeners. Oops, my bad.
Fucking cunts.
Why doesn't anyone in the USA ever take notice that the seemingly vast majority of home grown terrorists are white, male and Christian? KKK, Christian paramilitary groups, CIA, child molesters, etc. Why, WHY is this ignored?
I'm not saying that extremism in Islam doesn't exists, it does. But extremism exists in all religions and groups. Gay, straight, Christian, Jewish, Mormon, Scientology, Pagan/Wiccan, Feminists. Hell, for fuck sake, we created Osama bin Laden! We made the Taliban and Saddam!!! We gave them the tools and education. Then we dumped 'em when they where no longer useful to us. Typical.
So build the Center in Manhattan! If anything, it isn't a slap in the face to those who died that day but a slap in the face to the supposed terrorists who allegedly killed all those people because they didn't win! Not allowing it to be built gives them the victory and the power. Don't you get it? Bombing us or throwing planes into buildings doesn't kill or tear down The United States. We are doing the job for them! All it took was one day of terror and fear. One day. And we have over-reacted to the point that we are slowly deconstructing our Constitution. We are in fear of any Muslim, or those we think may be. We don't need Islamic Extremists to destroy and take our freedom, we are doing it to ourselves. Just a little fear in the right places makes you act like Chicken Little's. And you aren't stopping to look at who's really winning in all this. The rich! Plain and simple, the rich are winning because this fear is lining their pockets like nothing else has. Congrats USA, you've done what they wanted. You've made them richer by being stupid and controllable.
The builing of this Mosque is a testament to our Founding Fathers, The First Amendment, to The United States of America, to those who died nine years ago and to us. Building this Mosque solidifies our belief in religious freedom and freedom in general.
This is just like putting Gay Marriage up for a vote. When the majority (silent minority) votes on the rights of a minority (a group of people), you lose your Democracy and Freedom and replace it with Fascism. Because as soon as the majority (vocal minority) finishes with the LGBT 'Community' and Muslims, then they'll start coming after everyone else who disagrees with them, the minority (a.k.a. the silent majority).
Welcome to the start of a Christian Dominion, The Christian States of America or Jesusland.
Like I said, Jesus weeps for you fuckers. Most Christians these days are the anti-Christ they've supposedly been preparing to fight. And I don't pity any of you who help in the chaos you're starting.
You reap what you sow.
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