You'll notice I said that I'm not pushing out the Divine when It tries to help me out. I say this due to the fact that I see morons around me always trying to keep the Divine at an arms length because whatever It is trying to give them or teach them, they just don't want to hear. And to me that's actually depressing. It seems that no matter what, these goovnayuk's are stuck in what they where brought up in. They leave no room for change or growth.
I do what I can to try and leave space for the Divine in my Life. Sure, there have been/are/will be times that the Divine is speaking to me and I'll just not want to hear it. But I realize that I need to hear it, to have it change me, make me grow. And there are many ways that It tries to speak to me. Through people, animals, events or just hearing someone you don't know say something and it clicks with you on something in your life. The Divine will find a way to come into your Life and guide you.
I believe that everything in this Universe is the Divine. Me, my Hubby, the computer I'm typing this on. The Internet. The Earth, Sun, planets. Everything. We are all part of the same Divine, even though we have different ways of interpreting It. To me, the Universe is alive, a living thing. Kinda like The Gaia Theory on super-steroids.
But as I was saying; I believe that the Divine tries to speak to people and they flat out ignore It because what It is trying to teach goes against everything these morons have been taught. Take for instance the whole "controversy" of Chaz Bono being out, proud and who he is. There are people who are full of venom and hate at him, calling him a 'she' and what not. What they don't see is that chance for growth that the Divine is trying to give them. By loving him for who he is, not what you think or want him to be.
I'm not saying that Chaz was put here for them or you, but he is in a position to be a force of change. And I don't get the hate directed at TransGendered people. All the talk of them "messing up what God created" is a joke to me. How many people go and have elective cosmetic surgery, thus "messing up what God created". Sex change operations are no different than a face lift or breast implants. So why aren't people going after people who have elective cosmetic surgery?
Even me writing this is the Divine reaching out to people.
I've gotten into arguments with people about the hate they have that they use God and The Bible to justify. Look, The Bible is a book, a guidebook, but a book. One written by Man, edited by Man, misinterpreted and mistranslated by Man and used for unspeakable acts by Man. Same with The Torah and The Qur'an. To use a book created and abused by Man, no matter how 'inspired by God', is wrong. How many things in these Holy Books do we not follow anymore? Because we've grown past them or that we now know are wrong?
The Divine is more complicated, strange, weird and simple than we can ever know. But It cares about us because we are a part of It. It will come into our lives to help us if we let It. We have got to stop being so involved in us that we ignore a chance for becoming more than what we are.
And I can hear y'all..."What's he going on about?" "Where's my Irate Wiccan Faggot and who's this cunt" Blah, blah, blah. I'm still me, but I'm finding new ways to get through this drek-fest that's life. Frakking deal!
I'm still gonna rant and be pissed, but as I said in my last post, I'm changing this blog a bit and adding more. I think it needs it, I need it. So frakking deal!
And that brings me to these modern Amerikan "Christian" Conservative Repuklicunts. These people are not American or Christian or even Conservative. They thrive on keeping the people of this country in fear and controllable. Take keeping people in fear of Islam by reminding us of 9/11 all the damn time! I love how the media, on 9/11, was all about "How can we make sure we never forget?" Easy, you won't let us! Islam isn't the enemy, it's these political assholes!
They aren't Christian because they have no Christ attributes! And if Jesus comes back, I know that these cunts would crucify him all over again because of what he preached/preaches. Help the poor, feed the hungry, love your enemy. These aren't modern Amerikan Christian Conservative Repuklicunt values or qualities! Keep the poor poor, let the hungry die from hunger and smite your enemy.
And then there's the Amerikan people. Look at the CNN Tea Party Debate when Ron Paul was asked if we should let an uninsured man die from his sickness. The crowd cheered after a guy yelled "YES"! What does that say about us? As a country and a people?
I work with people who say we shouldn't pay the way for the sick and uninsured. My, so not WWJD! It seems that these Amerikan Christians are anything but. I really see this country heading down the same path as Germany after The Great War. These "Conservative" Repuklicunts who are fueling the Tea Party are just the new Nazi's. Instead of being guided by a "blood religion of racial purity" they are being driven by their own version of Christianity which fits the agenda of their Corporation Controllers. And Demoncraps are more fiscally conservative than these Repuklicunts! History shows it.
To be a true Christian would mean taking care of those who go without and not complaining about it! Not, "Why should I pay for others to have a free ride?!" Seriously? Jesus weeps for you and your cold, hard heart. I love watching these cunts being a "good Christian" only when it suits them. Otherwise, it's "let them die!"
Either live up to the ideals of your Savior or just stop calling yourself a Christian. The Divine will keep trying to warm your heart, even when you ignore It. But that's your karma to deal with. I feel no pity for you when you eventually fail. I may be an Irate Wiccan Faggot asshole who hates everyone, but I help those who need it. Without reservation or thought of "what can I get out of this". Can you say the same?
Later fuckers...
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