So I'm gonna drop my two cents on this whole bulldren topic of anti-LGBT corporations. Here we go:
I don't too much give a damn what these companies think of me and how I live! You wanna give your profits to anti-equality causes? Fine, do so. That's your choice. But you will receive all the consequences of that choice. Am I upset over Chick-fil-A giving money to certain groups? Hell no, I don't even patron there any damn way! What about that whole Target shit last year? I don't shop there no more. Not for over 6-7 years since they put into place a rule that says their employees can ignore you and not give you service if they have a "moral objection" to your lifestyle. Gay, urban clothing, alliterative religions. Any of it. Fuck that!
My point is this: Your "moral objections" should be left at the damn door when you walk in and clock in to go to work! You work in public service (retail and/or food service), so you do not get a say in how you think I should and should not live! And fuck you and your Mama if you even try to object to me! When I come into your store, you work for me. I fund your damn paycheck if I decide to buy anything. I'm the boss, you're not. Deal or get a job that ain't dealing with the fucking public!
If you are a medical professional, then you took an oath to do no harm. You can't object to people for not following the parts of your religious texts that you decide are morally superior! And either follow ALL of the texts or none of them. You can't pick and choose!!! Now I am forever thankful my Doctor ain't a fucked up shitfuckcunt who won't treat people for being different. You don't want to treat sick or injured people who happen to be LGBT? Fine, I don't want you treating me. Your ignorance may just be contagious. So fuck you!
And then there's this whole abortion shit storm the Repuklicunts are focusing on instead of creating jobs and bringing job back to this country. Well, that's when they are at work and not on vacation or cheating on their spouses and ignoring the "Family Values" they shout about to get votes. You don't want abortions? Then don't get pregnant! I swear, if men could get pregnant, then abortions would be available at drive-thru windows everywhere!
I'm all for abortions, in the right circumstances. Rape, incest, no quality of life for the child (through deformity, not the financial limitations of the parent or parents) or if the pregnancy will kill the mother. Those times are when abortions should always be allowed. Not as a birth control method for stupid whorish girls who can't keep their legs closed or a condom on the men they are fucking! Granted that's how they feel validated and that's a whole other rant entirely.
And I love how conservatives only care about you until you're born. Then they don't give a fuck. No quality education, health care, quality food or anything. But then, when you turn 18, they magically reappear and want you to join the Armed Forces. Conservatives want live babies so they can have dead soldiers.
So fuck your "moral objections" and get back to work! You wanna object? Quit your job! Go work in a community that thinks like you do. Those of us who you object to won't come around anyway. You'll be happy in your little bubble.
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