OK, yeah been away for a bit. Deal. I got drafted to "pre-count" the inventory for the warehouse at my job. Boss didn't tell me that it'd be a three week ordeal BEFORE the actual inventory! Ugh...
Anyway, I'm back fuckers. Maybe a little dulled from all that time spent counting phones, parts of phones and circuit boards, but I'm still your friendly neighborhood Irate Wiccan Faggot! So let's jump back into the sauna of broken glass and get 2011 off as well as we can. And yes, it's fucking February, so I'm a tad late to the party. Whatever...y'all just arrived early. I'm right on time!
So I'm gonna start off with THE shit situation/drama that filled the last six months of 2010;
It's not a big secret that most of my friends ain't too fond of The Hubby. Sure, he's weird and out there, but he's a genuine soul. Very kind and loving. Hell, he has to be...look who he puts up with! Anyway, he's had medical issues since his time spent in The First Gulf War. Add this to the fact that his social graces aren't exactly the best. You may see where this equation is going.
Well apparently it finally hit critical at some point before July 2010. I say this because it wasn't brought to our attention until that month. After a birthday dinner for a friend the weekend of The Fourth of July, The Hubby made a mention on Facebook about how he was tired of seeing me ignored by friends. Well that was all that was needed to stir the Shit Storm of 2010.
Apparently The Hubby hit a nerve. So in turn, he was banned from the newly bought house of a friend because of his "hygiene habits" and wouldn't be allowed in until this friend and her gal felt that he had changed enough to be allowed in. All this is on top of the brewing of us not being invited to their House Warming Party, though we of course found out why. And what upset me the most was that it was being taken out on me as well, just for being in a relationship with him! Then I put a few things together and figured out that I was lied to by this friend (she also told the same lie to other mutual friends). Oh joy...
There was e-mails back and forth for a while, in fact all this has been done by e-mail to my ire. Frankly if you can't speak to my face about something as big as this, then you are a coward and don't respect me, my relationship or my Hubby and don't seemingly have the capacity to show dignity. All this now former friend has done is hide behind a computer screen and a keyboard and she has the nerve to call me childish?! Her gal de-friended The Hubby and I on Facebook and two other friends who defended us at their House Warming Party when the girlfriend couldn't keep her mouth shut about how gross The Hubby is. And as one friend put it, "They where handed a logical argument that they didn't like."
Another thing that set me off was the very apparent hypocrisy of their argument. "Your Hubby coughs without covering his mouth and picks his nose and takes off shoes and socks to scratch his feet." OK, that's your arguing points. No other position offered. But another friend has severe dry skin that flakes off and he actually eats some of the flakes! EEWWWW!!! And yet he's still allowed over with no issue. That's when I got it. The Hubby was singled out because he just isn't liked. Especially by the girlfriend. She already got rid of one person (found out the circumstances around that recently...explained the absence), so guess we got to be the 2-for-1 special.
So I lost a friend of 13 years to petty Junior High Politics. Sure, sucks pretty bad, but it's a situation I can deal with. Wish it hadn't come to this, but I am not going to play childish games because you can't communicate like an adult, face-to-face and with some sense. And I find it funny that they go on about The Hubby's "hygiene habits" when I've gotten a little grossed out by the "ick factor" of how they live. I've helped move them before and trust me, they ain't shining examples of how to live cleanly. Not saying that they live in filth, they don't. But don't go claiming OCD germaphobic bullshit when I've seen you pick your nose or not sweep up the kitchen for a month!
But congrats to them both. They got rid of someone they didn't like nor want around...just so happens that they got rid of two. That's on them. Karma is a bitch and they will both have to answer for their actions, inactions and lies at some point.
So that bullshit took up the last half of 2010. It may not seem like much or that it shouldn't have been drawn out that far (it shouldn't), but that's what went down. People want to be petty and controlling. So be it. That's for them to answer for.
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