Just as a warning to everyone who reads this Blog, there are more poems coming. I found a stash of older ones that I'll be posting. May not be all that good (I'm my worst critic) but damn I'm proud of them! Also, there's been some concern raised about the subject matter of these poems, how dark they are and the like. But hey, if y'all haven't figured it out, I'm a dark fucker.
Also, I am not suicidal. Thanks for the worries, but I'm good. I revel in my darkness and frankly, I enjoy it. It's integral to who and what I am. Just know that what you read doesn't reflect reality...most times. I do enjoy the macabre, death and the shadows. To me, they are more interesting and keep me honest.
Another topic I'd like to rant about is abortion, or more specifically the whole pro-life stance. Now I'm all for abortion not being treated like birth control. I am pro-abortion in the times of rape, viability issues of the fetus making it to term and when the pregnancy would kill the mother. This last one has my hackles up a bit.
Now, I've heard how aborting the fetus isn't an option to "pro-lifers" yet allowing the mother to die due to a complication of her pregnancy, thus allowing the fetus to die somehow upholds the whole pro-life stance. Yeah, um, to me that really isn't pro-life. It's pro-stupid. I do not get how allowing a viable mother to die to ensure an abortion doesn't happen is pro life. It seems the polar opposite.
But that's just me.
The other topic I'd like to tackle is something that came about this Thanksgiving. During my Thanksgiving family tradition of saying what we are thankful for, several people said who thankful they where for "for our Troops and how they are securing our freedoms". While I am appreciative of The US Military Forces because of the job they do, I'm not so Nationalistically diluted to think they are "securing our Freedoms" while policing the world. Exactly when did Iraqi Storm Troopers land on our our beaches and invaded us? Or The Taliban? Don't get me wrong, The Taliban are fucked up assholes and Saddam wasn't someone I'd bring home to meet Mom. But how is bombing and rebuilding invaded sovereign nations, while leaving your own to fall to ruin, securing our Freedoms?
And don't bring 9/11 into this. While that was a horrid day, I'm still not convinced that Islamic Extremists where totally behind it. I'm still calling it a False Flag Operation perpetrated by our own government (owned by corporations) to secure foreign oil.
So back to the whole thanking troops for securing our Freedoms thing: To me, it's propaganda for Nationalistic tendencies. I felt insulted, more intellectually than anything. While military personnel do deserve thanks for doing a job plenty of their fellow citizens wouldn't or couldn't do, they also deserve recognition for choosing a path of employment that was possibly their only way out of a living situation. And that should also be scrutinized to find out why they felt they had no choice. It's a valid point to also look at the circumstances that created said situation. But that's just me and there are plenty of people who already feel I'm far too liberal and that all I want to do is hand out free money and services to those who are too lazy to do anything with their lives.
There are plenty of selfish people who'd rather hold onto their materialism and money than help their fellow citizens. Too much like right, I guess.
So that's all I'm gonna rant on and I return you to your semi-regularly scheduled poems from a dark, macabre loving homosexual Pagan.
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