So here it is almost Thanksgiving. Ugh. Why 'ugh' you ask? Because I can't stand the fucking holidaze. Don't get me wrong, spending time with kin (blood, in-law and chosen) is nice and calming, but it's the fucking commercialization that pisses me off from Labor Day, or earlier if I see Christmas ANYTHING, to New Years. I'm a Pagan and yet I feel that there needs to be more Christ in Christmas and a lot less buying useless shit that people will lose interest in within a day to a week.
Hell, what's even worse is the day after Christmas! Black Friday ain't got shit on that day. People returning what they don't like, or appreciate. And what do these items get returned for? Not what they could have gotten, oh no. All that shit gets returned for what they really wanted, but didn't ask for; cash, cold hard fucking cash. And what do people spend this cash on? Booze for New Years and Smurf porn. I've seen Smurf porn and it's can't be unseen. Trust me, Smurfette gets passed around more than a blunt at a Palin Family Reunion. Not pretty.
So fuck the Gods damned holidaze and bring on the New Year already! I can't take the last 3-4 months of the year.